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Personal Finance

HSA vs PPO: Which Should You Choose?

Technically, it's HDHP vs PPO, but HSA seems to be a more widely recognized (and searched on) term. This article walks through examples, with numbers, on how HDHP with HSA compares with PPO for different scenarios and medical needs.
Jennifer Chu
April 8, 2024
Mom Boss

Leaving Startup Land for SAHM Life

My decade-long adventure of leading finance at unicorn-status tech startups ended with becoming a suburban stay-at-home mom; it feels like being on the frontier in outer space and then falling back down to earth.
Kim Le
April 3, 2024

Why Do I Need a Website

How necessary is a website? It might not be needed as much as you think, but it can help if you have the resources to put into it.
Jennifer Chu
April 2, 2024

Self-Employed Job Titles and Personal Branding

When you work at your job, your title is assigned to you. When you work for yourself, you can have many names. How you are perceived depends on how you present and brand yourself to answer the question: “What do you do?”
Kim Le
April 1, 2024

ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity

How can you leverage AI so you're not falling behind the curve? Start with the three most mundane (but required) areas: Research, Project Planning and Skills Development.
Kim Le
March 29, 2024

How to Get Clients: Five Effective Ways to Grow Your Business (Part 2)

Building off of How to Get Clients (Part 1), Part 2 of this article series is written by Freelance Copywriter and Content Creator, Maddie McElhenny. She shares her five most effective strategies to landing client opportunities.
Maddie McElhenny
March 28, 2024

Business Startup Checklist

Most startups fail, but we can mitigate those reasons with proper planning and following a checklist. We've outlined the fundamental steps to take before you start throwing a ton of money at your venture.
Jennifer Chu
March 27, 2024
Personal Finance

Dollar Cost Averaging vs Lump Sum: Which is Best

Dollar cost averaging and lump sum investing are two different approaches to building wealth. Ultimately, the decision between the two comes down to your risk tolerance, time horizon, and market perspective.
Jennifer Chu
March 23, 2024
Personal Finance

W2 Employees and Taxes: the American Plight

Taxes are both complicated and expensive. In 2022 alone, the federal government collected $2.9 trillion in income and estate taxes. Given its magnitude and far fetching reaches, taxes should be a topic all Americans should be conversant and comfortable with. In this article, we’re going to explore what taxes look like for the typical American.
Kim Le
March 22, 2024

Going Global: Media, Entertainment and You

There’s a shining ray of hope across the globe, in spite of rising geopolitical tensions, where entertainment continues to cross-pollinate, multi-directionally. As more people share more ideas across more cultures, entrepreneurs can target larger pools and pockets of audiences by still remaining true to themselves or their product.
Kim Le
March 21, 2024

How to Find Article Ideas

Creating fresh and engaging content consistently can be a daunting task for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Yet the value of content creation for cultivating your brand cannot be overstated. This blog post aims to guide you through the strategies that will help you generate an reservoir of ideas for your content calendar.
Jennifer Chu
March 20, 2024

Small Business Tax Planning

Most people who decide to become solopreneurs suddenly lose the safety net of the “employee” classification. From business structure to tax classification, the options available to business owners are just as plentiful as they are confusing. Do-overs are cumbersome, expensive, and time-consuming. Avoiding issues at the start allows you to focus on building your business.
Kim Le
March 20, 2024
Mom Boss

ChatGPT for Stay at Home Moms

ChatGPT can be a mom’s personal, virtual assistant. From planning meals to suggesting activities for the kids, ChatGPT can brainstorm a wide range of ideas in seconds from the wisdom of the internet. Even when it comes to parenting advice, getting advice from a faceless, nonjudgmental AI seems far more appealing than a real human.
Kim Le
March 17, 2024
Personal Finance

Mega Cap Stock Monikers: A History of Naming Fads

Names can take on a life of their own. Investors and finance buffs sometimes seem more like storytellers, plucking tales from the stock ticker itself. Here's a listicle to ignite your curiosity for the naming fads and legends in the marketplace, charting the rise of stocks from obscure acronyms to the pantheon of investment lore.
Kim Le
March 16, 2024
Personal Finance

Compound Interest Rates: A Wealth-Builder's Best Friend

The compound effects of interest rates can lead to exponential growth of wealth. We’ll kick off with an in-depth look at how compound interest functions, why it outshines simple interest, how to get the most out compound interest, and use examples to really hammer home the concept.
Jennifer Chu
March 15, 2024
Personal Finance

Why Good Personal Finance is Necessary for Running a Business

Mastering personal finance is a critical cornerstone of succeeding at entrepreneurship. Fail at personal finance, and you're setting yourself up to fail at your business. Here's how your financial health and habits in your personal life impacts your startup.
Kim Le
March 14, 2024

Using Jasper AI to Automate Your Independent Consulting Writing

Leverage Jasper for your business. Jasper is an AI writing assistant, designed to serve the particular use cases of companies, marketers, and content creators to write in consistent brand voice(s) with out of the box templates for various use cases.
Kim Le
March 12, 2024

Discussing Rates with Clients When They Say Price is Way Too High

Have you had a client say your pricing is too high? The best consultants don't back down on their rates; and they back up their rates with sound rationale. Learning how to professionally and directly have frank conversations about your rates and pricing is a critical component of long-term success as a consultant.
Kim Le
March 11, 2024

ChatGPT: Issues, Pitfalls and Caveats

ChatGPT has a blend of unique problems that have blurred the lines between human error and algorithmic hiccups. In order to complement ChatGPT, it’s important to understand ChatGPT’s inherent flaws and current limitations. The end goal is to learn how to utilize the new technology in a way where the output from “ChatGPT + You” is greater than the sum of its parts.
Kim Le
March 10, 2024
Personal Finance

Pay Off Mortgage or Invest

Is it better to pay down your mortgage faster or put that cash toward an investment account? It depends on your loan interest rate, the return rate you think you can get on investments, and your risk tolerance. Let's get specific and walk through the math.
Jennifer Chu
March 10, 2024

How to Become a Consultant: Building the Professional Foundation

It's a dream for many professionals – striking out on your own. The bedrock of independent consulting is a confluence of technical mastery, extensive networking, and perceptive judgment. By laying this groundwork, you'll be better poised to tackle the dynamic and competitive world of independent consulting.
Kim Le
March 9, 2024

How to Use ChatGPT at Work

ChatGPT has been used by roughly 1 in 10 people. For individuals over 65 years old, that usage drops down to 5%. That leads the vast majority of Americans lagging behind on one of the most transformative technological advances of our generation. Generic writing tasks in your day to day job is a great set of problems for ChatGPT to tackle and to get started familiarizing with ChatGPT.
Kim Le
March 8, 2024
Mom Boss

Making Money as a Stay at Home Mom: Part 1 - Ways to Get Started

One of the hard adjustments to being a stay-at-home mom is losing out on the working mom's income. Finding side hustles that are both a good return on time and fits into a SAHM schedule can be challenging. Here we explore 4 down to earth ways to get started making money while being at home.
Kim Le
March 8, 2024

SEO 101: Part 4 (Technical SEO)

Our last part of the SEO 101 series - technical SEO. We'll go into the things that prevent your site from getting crawled or indexed well, but not too deep that you can't action on it. Plus some suggestions on tracking your SEO performance.
Jennifer Chu
March 7, 2024