Maddie McElhenny

Maddie McElhenny is a Freelance Copywriter and Communications Consultant elevating small- and medium-sized brands through the right messaging and materials. She brings 15 years of global marketing and communications experience across various industries and sectors to help brands not only reach their target audience(s), but authentically connect with them. She loves the daily challenge, flexibility, and freedom of working for herself and appreciates leveraging emerging tech to balance being a mom, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors.

Articles from Maddie McElhenny


How To Become a Better Writer: A Strategy for High-Quality Articles

Whether blog posts, personal essays, or Op-Eds, articles are a great way to break into the writing industry, develop a portfolio to showcase your skills, and generate more business. But with the rise of freelance writers—driven by the post-pandemic surge in remote work and AI—how do you create high-quality, unique content?
Maddie McElhenny
July 17, 2024
Mom Boss

23 Productivity Hacks for Parent Entrepreneurs

Meet 3 mom business owners and learn their productivity hacks for juggling an infinite number of home and business priorities. “Being a mom with a finite amount of time helps me focus. I am efficient because I do not have a choice not to be." - says Addie Gundry, CEO of Pluie.
Maddie McElhenny
June 14, 2024

Digital Marketing for Startups

Here are 6 simple and effective strategies to help startups get started with digital marketing.
Maddie McElhenny
June 5, 2024

How to Find a Business Mentor

As solopreneurs, freelancers, and independent contractors, we’re running one-woman shows. How do you find and cultivate mentors to support your growth? What are the best practices of a mentor-mentee relationship?
Maddie McElhenny
May 16, 2024

Consulting Fee Structure: Hourly vs. Project-Based Pricing

As an independent contractor, how you bill your clients is a pivotal business decision that impacts your bottom line. The two most common ways to charge are either by the hour or by the project. Which one is the right one to choose?
Maddie McElhenny
May 9, 2024

How to Get Clients: Five Effective Ways to Grow Your Business (Part 2)

Building off of How to Get Clients (Part 1), Part 2 of this article series is written by Freelance Copywriter and Content Creator, Maddie McElhenny. She shares her five most effective strategies to landing client opportunities.
Maddie McElhenny
March 28, 2024