Tailored Services to Help Businesses Get

More Capital

Raising venture capital or applying for grants? We’re here to help you put your best story forward. If you're bootstrapping, we focus instead on finding ways to improve your operating efficiency.
Financial Modeling

Prepare your Financial Model
A Story in Numbers

Financial Models should be a company's story and strategy in number form. We take a top down modeling approach that allows you the ability to customize inputs.

We're familiar with multiple ERP and can help you pull together the numbers to build the model, providing a fresh perspectives and new insights. Models are available in Google Sheets and Excel.
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Business Plan

Up-level your Business Plan
with a well-structured story

Business plans can seem dry and plain, but the best business plans are stories. They tell the story of your vision, mission, and plan to achieve those lofty goals.

From pitch decks, business memos, and a plethora of charts and visuals, we've seen the whole gambit.
Operating Efficiency

Manage your Cashflow
with actionable insights

Your business' website is your digital storefront. We help you optimize your website to show up on search engine results, build your domain authority, and ensure your site structure has been designed to attract and convert.
What You Get

Concrete Deliverables with Transparency and Actionable Insights

There's no black box here (just lots of spreadsheets). We deliver to you the full model with formulas and data, so you can take the driver seat. The deliverables provide commentary and insight from our team of seasoned startup leaders. See for yourself a sample of what we provide.
Financial Model
Pitch Deck (or Business Memo)
AR Collections Summary & Tracker
AP Transaction Summary & Tracker

Our Experience

Bringing a wealth of experience from finance functions across a spectrum of startups.

Let's connect

Do you have a project or partnership in mind? We'd love to hear from you.
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