
We built some calculators we think will help you make important decisions about your business and personal finances.

Monthly Retainer

Calculate how much you can charge as a contractor / consultant on a retainer model, based on what you charge on an hourly basis.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

Calculate the revenue return on an ad's cost

Cost-Per-Impression (CPM)

Calculate the CPM of an ad campaign. Or, estimate the cost of an ad campaign from CPM.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Calculate the CPC of an ad campaign, or estimate the total ad spend needed based on CPC and desired clicks.

Consulting Rate

Charge what you're worth. Convert your annual salary including employer benefits to an hourly wage or monthly retainer.

SAHM Salary

How much would a SAHM earn for all the many jobs she performs? Which jobs could she afford to outsource to get more time back?

Click-through-rate (CTR)

Calculate CTR for paid ads or emails