Accounts Receivable Audit

Have You Gotten Paid?

Are customers paying your invoices? Do you know how much your customers owe you? In our experience, business owners can have a hard time collecting payment on services already rendered. This is true for small invoices of a few thousand dollars to enterprise customers with five figure invoices.

Through an accounts receivable audit, we help business owners identify the gaps in their invoicing and payments process as well as what collections efforts are needed.
Dashboard mockup

Actionable AR Report

Most AR reports aren't actionable. Get your invoicing data into a format that will help you collect on unpaid work.
Get key accounts receivable metrics not available to you in typical accounting software
Drill down, filter, and get details on each invoice.
Log and track collections events. Prioritize action items and next steps.
How we work with you

Getting a Handle on Your Accounts Receivables

Gather All Invoices

Did you invoice systematically? Probably not. We'll help track down all your invoices from your internal systems, and by reaching out to clients you've worked with.

Reconcile Payments Received

We'll go through the payment information you provided and match them against all your invoices. We've reconciled over thousands of transactions before.

AR Dashboard

Get an easy-to-use report to help you understand the state of your accounts receivable.

Collection Schedule and Scripts

We'll draft our recommendation on how to approach collections along with a schedule, email templates, and call scripts.

Updates to Your Books

We'll provide the information for your accountants to update your ERP system, like Quickbooks or Freshbooks, to reflect the cleaned up data.
Work with us

Have your customers paid your invoices?

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