LinkedIn Repost

What is LinkedIn Repost?

A LinkedIn repost is a feature that allows users to repost and share public posts from other LinkedIn members or pages. When reposting, users may also add comments or questions. This repost feature is similar to X’s (formally known as Twitter) reposts, as this feature aims to allow users to display their questions or concerns directly attached to other posts. On LinkedIn, users can repost another post that has already been reposted. Similarly to a regular LinkedIn post, users may edit the text of a LinkedIn repost. There is a character limit for LinkedIn reposting, with a limit of 3,000 characters, including emojis and spaces.

What's the TLDR?

Reposting other content on LinkedIn can be just as valuable as creating original LinkedIn posts as they offer similar benefits to the LinkedIn user. Many businesses and individuals seeking employment may utilize this reposting tool to help them find success. Reposting on LinkedIn provides users with many benefits, including:

  • Increasing visibility: Allowing their content to reach a wider range of audiences without having to create an original post each time
  • Enhancing profile: Reposting content helps users build a more robust profile that stands out among other users in crowded feeds
  • Promoting interactions: LinkedIn reposts help encourage engagement along with providing an opportunity for other users to share their ideas by fostering an environment for people to have meaningful conversations
  • Building communities: LinkedIn reposts are a useful tool as they help strengthen other communities and are great for building community by allowing users to see they have similar professional insight as others
  • Providing support: Reposting is a great way to support other content from colleagues and peers, which will also help them gain better exposure and be shown to a broader audience
  • Showcasing their talent: LinkedIn members can display their expertise and allow their personality to be highlighted, as adding commentary to a repost enables the audience to see their perspective

Tell Me More

Reposting is an excellent tool that LinkedIn users can capitalize on to expand their visibility and create tremendous success when networking or searching for professional connections. It may not always be easy to create original content and make LinkedIn posts. The option to repost allows users to see who agrees with their professional ideas and allows others to share their insight. Allowing users to showcase their personality and build a larger online presence allows them to gain more credibility and display themselves as professionals on LinkedIn.

How to repost on LinkedIn

Users can repost using the LinkedIn mobile app and LinkedIn on their desktop. The only difference is that the mobile app can save the repost as a draft allowing users to revise the content later before posting. Reposting on LinkedIn is pretty simple. Here is a step-by-step guide for users to make a repost:

  1. Find the original post they would like to repost.
  2. Click the Repost button found under the original post. There should be a ‘Repost’ icon.
  3. After clicking the icon, users will be given two options. Users may choose to either ‘Repost with your thoughts’ or ‘Repost’ with no additional comments, simply sharing the original post on their feed.
  4. Select the visibility option desired for the post. Users can decide who can see their post and add comments. Users can choose their target audience by selecting ‘Anyone’, ‘Connections Only’, or ‘Group’ for visibility. For comments, the user can select ‘Anyone’, ‘Connections Only’, or ‘No one’.
  5. Click post. Once satisfied with the settings and comments, the user can click ‘Post’ to share their repost with their network.

How to edit a LinkedIn Repost

To edit a LinkedIn repost, users should follow the same steps as editing a LinkedIn post. After finding which post the user would like to edit, click the 'More' icon in the upper-right corner of the post. Then tap 'Edit post,' then change as needed, and once satisfied, click 'Save.' However, unlike LinkedIn posts, where users can edit the entire post, when editing a repost the user can only edit the text of the LinkedIn repost as shared media such as photos, articles, documents, and videos cannot be edited. If users would like to edit the media then the repost must be deleted and a new post must be created.

How to maximize visibility while remaining authentic

Reposting on LinkedIn is great for maintaining an active audience, especially since users don’t have to create an original post each time they want to engage with others. However there is a fine line between keeping an active LinkedIn feed and reposting excessively. Users who constantly repost without producing any original posts lose authenticity as reposts lack personal touch and do not offer any deeper connection or conversation compared to a LinkedIn post. It is recommended for LinkedIn users to have a 3:1 ratio between original posts to repost. The timing of reposts play a role in the maximization of visibility as users should repost other LinkedIn posts during optimal times of the day where the majority of their audience will be online to see it on their feed. Optimal times to make reposts to increase engagement are during business hours on weekdays such as times between 10AM and 12PM.

What are the benefits of reposting?

Reposting is a great way for users to build on their prior connections while creating new ones as a repost allows users to showcase their thoughts and professional opinion. This makes it easier for others, along with those with professional thinking and interests that overlap, to connect. Reposting is a great tool to help users find and build their community as insightful professionals. Users may share their opinions by allowing their commentary and expertise to shine within other users’ feeds. Optimizing the repost tool to strengthen communities that the user participates in is encouraged as they are able to repost content from colleagues and peers, which will help them reach a wider audience while gaining more exposure. Both businesses and individuals seeking employment find greater success in achieving meaningful connections through those with similar perspectives to find each other and lead to insightful exchanges. LinkedIn reposts increase engagement; they are able to spark conversations and encourage other users to comment and discuss their views.