Social Media 101

Hi! This is Sarah, the Gen Z intern. It can be overwhelming with all the social media platforms and understanding what content you should post on which platform. I’m here to provide a brief overview of all the essential social media platforms to help you understand, network, and promote your business.
Written by
Sarah Kung
Published on
August 21, 2024

What is Social Media

Before we start learning about all the different types of social media, let's define what social media is. Social media is a broad term, and many apps that people would not usually associate with the term social media might be considered one. Social media are online platforms and applications that allow users to create, share, and interact with content through text posts, images, and videos. Users can also connect, communicate, and collaborate with other users. There are many different types of social media, and each platform has a primary purpose that makes it unique. 

Benefits of social media

Social media can be used for both personal and professional purposes. With the ability to create multiple social media accounts, users can have separate accounts for each. The societal importance of connecting with people from all over the world from our phones is the main reason social media is a massive aspect of our lives and social norms.

There are personal benefits to social media, including connecting and communicating with others regardless of their geographic location. This allows people to connect with their friends and family while making new connections with other people they find through social media with similar interests. Social media is a great way to share news and other information in real-time, allowing people to have live conversations regarding current events.

Some professional benefits from social media include networking and finding potential partners, clients, and job opportunities. Societal benefits include building and strengthening a community by creating support groups or using social media to advocate for movements they believe in. 

social media for professional network

Different Types of Social Media

There are many types of social media uses that can be divided into five main categories; however, some social media platforms might have overlapping uses. It is important to note that utilizing social media for its primary and intended purposes helps users achieve the most success for personal and professional accounts. 

1. Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites usually foster a more professional atmosphere as people try to find specific connections, whether potential clients, job opportunities, or more information about potential friends. These social media platforms allow users to connect, communicate, and share information between users. Social networking sites focus on fostering social interactions and building communities revolving around similar interests. Users can usually connect with other users through direct messages or group chats. 

social networking sites

2. Image sharing sites

Image-sharing sites are online platforms that allow users to share and discover content primarily in images. These sites have features enabling users to organize pictures and share an album or carousel. Other features to enhance the quality of the content include the integration of music playing with the post, tagging, commenting, and geotags. Users can engage with other users and their content through direct messaging, comments, likes, and shares.

Image sharing social media sites

3. Video sharing/streaming platforms 

Video sharing and streaming platforms are designed to allow users to watch videos on their own time or in real time through online streaming. Different video-sharing platforms range from focusing on shorter content such as clips or short-form videos ranging between 1-5 minutes long. Other platforms focus on long video content, such as YouTube videos, which vary between 15 minutes and 12 hours.

Some platforms are designed to provide live content to their viewers through online streaming. Creators can stream anything, ranging from outdoor challenges to online video games. Users can interact with the content and the creators through the comment section, especially during streams where the creator can answer questions on the spot. Users support these creators by following, commenting, and subscribing.  

4. Discussion forums

Discussion forum platforms are virtual discussion boards where users can post questions, comments, rants, or share insights about a specific topic. These platforms allow users to find connections and meet people with similar questions or interests. Online discussion forums help foster a sense of community as people rely on each other to build the conversation or provide answers and advice to specific questions. The purpose of these forums is to provide a space for users to have deeper and more meaningful conversations. Users across the globe can connect based on similar topics or hobbies. 

5. Blogs and community platforms

Online blogs and community platforms are virtual spaces where users can share and publish content for their audience. These platforms foster a sense of community as the users can showcase their personalities and create meaningful connections. These social media platforms are usually divided and organized by groups and niches, allowing users to find their community and connect with individuals who share similar interests. Creators on these platforms can earn revenue from subscriptions and monetization of their content. 

When to use each

With all these different social media platforms, it can be challenging to know when to post each for maximum channel growth and what type of content to post on each platform. It can be overwhelming to keep track of all the accounts and passwords for each account, so small businesses and brands should focus on the leading platforms their target demographic is most likely to use before branching out and creating content over multiple platforms before building a customer base. A guide is below to help you navigate the different platforms. 


While social media can be fun, it is essential to understand that a few things, including:

  • Remaining Authentic: A social media account should reflect the company and the beliefs behind what it stands for. Displaying a real personality will help build brand awareness and trust between the brand and customers. Pretending to be something else will not be sustainable for any business in the long term. Showcasing the brand’s true personality will bring in the right customers for the company. 
  • Numbers don’t matter: Everyone on social media needs to remember that the number of followers, likes, and money a business makes does not define them. Some days, a social media post might do well and gain a lot of interaction; the next day, it will only generate two likes. It is important not to let the bad days discourage the future growth of the business and to try again tomorrow. Everyone has to start somewhere, and a small following is better than none, so keep posting quality content for 13 followers and treat them as if they were 13,000 followers.
  • Find a balance: Everyone should find a work-life balance and not allow social media to consume their whole lives. While it is essential to remain consistent and relevant, it is important to remember other things that are equally or more important than social media—including family. It might be challenging, especially for working moms, to feel like they are never doing enough, but they should unhook from the idea of toxic positivity and tell themselves that they are doing their best. 


Social media can be complicated, but it gets easier after a few posts and practice. One key thing to remember is knowing the audience and which social media platform would work best for connecting and networking to reach a broader audience. It is essential to consider which social media platform aligns best with the business and helps achieve business goals. Companies need to assess the analytics of the content, see what type of content is getting the best engagement, and continue what works while reworking what needs improvement. With all that to say, follow @startup.moms on Instagram and Startup Moms by LeHerring on Facebook.

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