Instagram Threads

What is Instagram Threads?

Instagram Threads is a social media platform that allows users to participate in discussions amongst other users. Instagram Threads users can post short texts, multiple images, links, and videos on Threads. There are certain limitations for Instagram Threads posts, such as a maximum of 500 characters, including emojis, ten images maximum, and up to 5 minutes of video content. Updated requirements and limitations can be found on the Instagram website here. Posts made on Threads can be public, where anyone with a Meta account (Instagram, Facebook) can view the post, or private, where only followers can see the Threads posts.

What's the TLDR?

Threads is a text-based app from Instagram that allows Instagram users to use it easily.

Social media platform similar to X, formerly known as Twitter. Threads focuses primarily on real time conversations and allows users to engage with other members of their community through text posts.

Key Aspects of Instagram Threads:

  • Text-Based Platform: Threads focus on text posts, allowing users to express themselves through words.
  • Integration with Instagram: Instagram users can log into their Instagram account and their profiles, followers, and verification status will be synced between the two apps.
  • Community Building: On Threads, users have an easier time finding and building their community since followers from Instagram are able to easily connect on Threads.
  • Multimedia Sharing: On Threads users can post all types of content including text, images, GIFs, videos, links, and polls to cater their content to make the post more engaging amongst viewers.
  • Cross-Platform Sharing: Posts made on Threads can be shared to Instagram and Facebook stories, allowing content to reach a wider audience and boost engagement.
  • Privacy and Safety: Threads allow users to control who can reply to or see their posts.

Tell Me More

Instagram Threads was a social media platform created by Meta with the intention of allowing Instagram users to express themselves further in other ways, such as through text through Threads. Instagram Threads is designed as an extension of Instagram, allowing users to transfer their contacts between platforms quickly. Threads is a platform that allows users to share text updates and participate in conversations. Upon joining Threads, users can follow the accounts they follow on Instagram. Feeds on Threads will consist mainly of posts published by people the user follows, with some recommended content from creators the user has not discovered yet.

Creating a Threads profile

Instagram users can use their Instagram account to create a profile on Threads. People with Instagram can log in through Threads and sync up their accounts. Once joining Threads, users can choose the visibility of their profile by choosing between having a public or private Threads profile. As of this web page's publishing, any user under 16 (or under 18 in certain countries) will have their Threads account turned private by default.

Differences Between Public and Private Instagram Threads Profiles

Public Threads Profiles

  • Anyone with a Threads account can follow users with a public Threads profile without the user’s approval.
  • Anyone on Threads can see a public profile as well as other accounts the user follows
  • Anyone on Threads can see a public Threads post.
  • Public posts can be reposted, quoted, and shared through Threads, Instagram, or Facebook.

Private Threads Profile

  • Users with a private Threads account must approve any follower requests on Threads.
  • Only the private user account followers can see or repost Threads posts.
  • Posts from private accounts cannot be shared on their Instagram or Facebook stories.

Benefits of Instagram Threads:


Threads is a straightforward social media platform that allows users to share any form of content. Instagram users can easily sync their Instagram account to their Treads account and keep their followers and following lists the same if desired. Having a social media platform where users can easily share their content and have meaningful conversations on the same platform allows for efficiency, making Threads user-friendly.

Real-Time Conversations

Threads facilitates an environment where users can have relevant conversations between other Threads accounts and maintain instant text-based discussions. Posting on Threads is very easy and can be done quickly, allowing users to have discussions revolving around trending topics. Instagram Threads is an informal platform where users can write their thoughts without having to proofread or ensure a professional tone is used. Users can have as many casual conversations as they want.

Extended Reach

Posts made on Treads can be shared with Instagram stories, increasing the exposure of the post, which results in further engagement and interaction. Threads posts can be shared cross-platforms and onto other social media platforms to reach a new audience and enhance the visibility of the post.

Market Research

Treads is an effective tool for businesses and other brands to utilize their Treads posts as a way to gauge what content the audience is interested in. Users can share polls where followers can vote and let their voices be heard, which could be beneficial feedback.

Ways to boost Threads posts

  • Create engaging content –Users should create content that captures their audience's attention, enticing them to further engage with the content and interact with the post.
  • Spread awareness –Users should let their Instagram followers know about their Threads profile and ask their loyal followers to follow them on the other platform.
  • Using media –Users should utilize all features of a Threads post by adding media to their comments or posts, making them stand out from the other comments.
  • Offer incentives –Many brands and businesses will post promotions, discounts, and giveaways to give back to their community and show appreciation to their followers. These tactics could reel in more followers and attract attention to their posts.
  • Cross-promotion –Users who have recently made a Threads account should make their followers on all other social media platforms aware and allow their followers to join them on Threads.
  • Collaborations –Working together with other accounts will allow for both collaborating accounts to reach a wider audience and increase their visibility. Collaborations tend to be successful as increased exposure leads to increase in followers.
  • Staying on top of trends –Users should be aware of hot topics and stay relevant by posting content that will be shown on other user’s feeds.
  • Engage with others –While posting original content is excellent, users should engage with their followers by replying to their comments or commenting on interesting posts.
  • Interactivity –Users should use Threads features, such as polls, to interact with their audience and encourage them to stay engaged with the post.
  • Consistency –Keeping a consistent posting schedule is crucial, as consistency is critical to staying relevant. The chances of content appearing on other users’ feeds depend on the frequency of user posts.
  • Timing –Users should be aware that Threads is a real-time conversation platform and, therefore, post during peak hours when their audience will be the most active on Threads to maximize engagement.