What is Alt Text?

Alt text is short for alternative text, which is a short description that is added to the images on the web. It is mainly employed to give an explanation to a visually impaired individual on what an image illustrates using screen readers. The alt text also helps in providing details of images in case they fail to load and it has a part to play in improving SEO.

What's the TLDR?

  • Alt text ensures accessibility by helping visually impaired users understand images via screen readers.
  • Improves SEO by allowing search engines to index and understand images, boosting website visibility.
  • Be concise yet descriptive when writing alt text—focus on the essential details without unnecessary words.
  • Avoid redundant phrases like "image of" or "picture of"; just describe what’s important.
  • Alt text enhances the overall user experience, making content more inclusive and user-friendly.
  • Good alt text balances detail and brevity, ensuring both accessibility and streamlined content delivery.
  • Incorporating alt text is a small but impactful step towards a more accessible and effective web presence.

Tell Me More

Accessibility and User Experience

Using Alt text is not only about improving accessibility but also about making the web a friendly place for all. By describing the picture in words when you put it up, you provide meaning to the image so that the picture conveys to those who cannot see it what it intends to say. It doesn’t take much to add these gears, and they improve the user experience for all, but particularly for seekers with visual impairments, meaning it will make your content more inclusive.

Impact on SEO

Not just for access, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is affected by the presence of alt text. Images cannot be interpreted by search engines as humans do hence they depend on alt text to know what an image stands for among other things. Well written alt texts enable search engines to index images well thus improving their ranking in search results hence leading to website visibility.

Best Practices for Writing Alt Text

Crafting alt text necessitates a delicate balance between conciseness and description. Give the most important piece of information to what’s the image about. This means that you should focus exclusively on relevant info and not use phrases like “image of” or “picture of”. Consequently, this will be helpful to users and simplify your content at all times.


Consider a scenario where there is a graphic on your site showing a lady grasping a mug of coffee amid a warm ambiance in a coffee house. Rather than leaving it without any description, it’s important to include alt text so that every person may find it comprehensible and accessible.

Example of Good Alt Text:

"Smiling woman holding a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe, with sunlight streaming through the window."

Why This Works:

A clear image of what is happening within this photograph is illustrated by this short but descriptive alt text. The relevant bits; her smile, her coffee cup, and the design of the little cafeteria all come together nicely in it without being too verbose. This would be useful to those who are using screen readers as well as serving as a reference for loading issues with images.

Example of Poor Alt Text:

"Image of a woman."

Why This Falls Short:

The current alternative text for this image is very unclear and doesn’t contain an adequate description. It omits important particulars that give significance to it, such as its surroundings with a coffee cup from which someone drank into it before while also not helping a viewer grasp its meaning better than before.

Related Glossary Terms

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