Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Calculator

Calculate the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) of an ad campaign. Or, estimate the total cost of an ad campaign based on an estimated CPC and the number of click you'd like to attain.

CPC Calculator Instructions

There are two ways to approach this calculator:

1) Calculate the Cost Per Click of an ad campaign you've run

  • At the top of the calculator, select the tab "Calculate CPC"
  • Enter the number of "Clicks" and the "Ad Spend" from the campaign
  • (Optional) Enter the number of impressions from the ad campaign

You'll see the CPC of the campaign ($/click).  If you specified Impressions, you'll also see the CPC and the Cost Per Impression (CPM or the cost per thousand impressions)

2) Calculate the number of clicks from CTR

  • At the top of the calculator, select the tab "Calculate Clicks"
  • Enter the estimated CPC for the campaign
  • Enter the desired number of clicks you'd like to receive

You'll see the estimated cost of the campaign ($).

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Formula

CPC is calculated by taking the total unique clicks on an ad and dividing it by the total impressions received by the ad.

Example Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Calculation

We are given these performance stats of an ad campaign:

  • Number of unique clicks = 200
  • Amount spent on ad = $500

We want to know the CPC of the ad campaign:

  • We take amount spent on the ad and divide that by the number of unique clicks reported
  • The ad CPC is then $500 / 200 = $2.50