Sarah Kung

Hi! My name is Sarah Kung. I am currently a university student studying Animal Biology at the University of Guelph, located in Ontario, Canada. I am passionate about all things related to animals and biology, but this summer I’ve been exploring my writing abilities and I discovered that I actually enjoy writing a lot. I plan on continuing producing articles for people to read and enjoy!

Articles from Sarah Kung


Social Media 101

Hi! This is Sarah, the Gen Z intern. It can be overwhelming with all the social media platforms and understanding what content you should post on which platform. I’m here to provide a brief overview of all the essential social media platforms to help you understand, network, and promote your business.
Sarah Kung
August 21, 2024

Why You Should Always Check Your Tuition Receipt

Don't miss out on vital information that could help save you money from your university or college tuition fees.
Sarah Kung
August 8, 2024

Is YouTube Social Media?

But first, what is social media? What are the defining features of social media, and does YouTube tick the boxes to qualify as a social media platform?
Sarah Kung
August 6, 2024

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life

Life can feel like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Do you start with the edge pieces first? Or do you assemble random pieces? Here are some ways to help you find the missing pieces.
Sarah Kung
July 26, 2024